Alexandre Leite

Social Communication/Journalism​

Hi there, my name is Alexandre Leite , and I'm a Journalist and Copywriter

Learn more about my work.

This site has been translated
to English by Alexandre Leite.

This site has been translated
to English by Alexandre Leite.

Sobre mim

I work as a content

I’m a professional graduated in Social Communication/Journalism at Universidade Federal de Viçosa and passionate about connecting people and disseminating information in an effective and clear way. 

With experience in many communication sectors, I could develop skills in SEO, copywriting, social media and strategic planning. 

I’m always searching for opportunities to apply my skills and assist in the construction of significant relationships between companies and the public. 

A bit about


In this section, I will tell a little bit about my previous works and professional experience in Copywriting.


What’s the
importance of copywriting?

As a professional text producer, my work is to create relevant and engaging content to sites and companies’ and entrepreneurs’ social media. I use copywriting’s techniques to write texts that attract and keep the target audience’s attention, always with focus on the marketing goals and company’s communication. 

Besides, I look to understand the brand’s identity and its language, to be certain that the content produced aligns with the message and company’s values. 

Also, realize research and competitions analysis to identify opportunities for differentiation and innovation in content production.

My purpose is to help companies and entrepreneurs to communicate in an effective and clear way with its public, engaging and improving the brand’s visibility and acknowledgment. 

With my experience in text production, I’m always looking for new techniques and trends to assure the quality of the work and the client’s satisfaction.

My works in


Instagram @nilolimafoto

Look at the damage done!

Photographer, when I say that it is extremely important to know how to charge for your work, it’s for you don’t have any financial damage when this type of situation that I show in the video happens…


Pastel to sell: know what is needed to have success in this market

If you wish to undertake in this gastronomy area, opening a pastelaria or betting on delivery, the pastel to sell is a good option…

Instagram @nilolimafoto

Don’t make this mistake! Learn how to value your work.

Nowadays, there is a big competition for price on the photographic market. There are people charging impractical prices for essays…

A little bit about

Journalistic text production

In this section, I will tell you about my works and professional experiences realizing a text production.

Text production

What’s the importance
of producing a good text?

Journalist text production is a fundamental activity in communicating information to the public in general, since it helps to certify that the news is presented in an objective, effective and clear way, based on reliable facts and information. 

It’s also important to guarantee the communication vehicle’s credibility. The newspaper, magazine, site and any kind of media reputation depends, most of the time, on the quality of its text production. 

If the shared information is not precise, confused or biased, the means of communication’s credibility can be affected, pushing the readers away and reducing its influence in the society.

Soccer field “FIFA pattern” will be construct in Viçosa

The Viçosa’s city hall will bid for the soccer field construction in Cidade Nova’s neighborhood.

The field will have dimensions FIFA standard, park, concierge, box office, administrative sector, public bathroom, locker rooms for two teams and refereeing, police station, medical center, press office, radio and TV booths, and grandstand for 800 people. The field will fulfill the accessibility requirements.

A little bit about

Sports Jounalism

In this section, I will tell you about my works and professional experiences in Sports Journalism.

Sports journalism

What is the importance
of sports journalism?

Sports journalism plays a fundamental role in covering sports events and disseminating information about teams, players, coaches, and competitions.

It helps provide impartial, accurate, and up-to-date coverage of the world of sports, which is essential to keep fans informed about everything that is happening in their favorite sports.

Additionally, fans can use sports journalism to learn more about the history of sports, exploring past events and important figures.

Finally, sports journalism is an important source of entertainment for sports fans around the world.

See more:

“Even during the pandemic, Atlético-MG managed to increase its number of fans associated with the ‘Galo na veia’ from 20 to around 43 thousand.

This growth was thanks to a marketing campaign promoted by the club, which had a huge participation and engagement from fans, the ‘Manto da Massa’ campaign.”

A little bit about

Lives and podcast

In this section, I will tell you about my works and professional experiences with Lives and podcasts.

Check the exclusive interview with Leandro Figueiredo, Atlético Mineiro ‘s business director and Reginaldo Diniz CEO of ‘End to End’, about the success of Manto da Massa ‘s marketing action.

Here you can know more about figures like: players, managers, sports journalists, stadiums, teams and leagues that marked the history of the most popular sport in the world, soccer

Watch my participation as a commentator in the Real Madrid x Granada match.

Check out my participation live as a sports presenter in the program “Na Área”, aired on Rádio Universitária 100.7 FM.

Lives and Podcasts

Check all my entries

My work of doing lives and podcasts consists of making vídeo or audio content for an audience that can watch or listen live or on demand. 

Lives are usually live streams, while podcasts are pre-produced recordings that can be downloaded or listened to on streaming platforms.

In both formats, I always look to make interesting and relevant content for the target audience. Besides, using good audio recording and editing practices in my works.

See my




Download my Resume

Now that you know a little bit about me and know about my work, how about knowing my professional experiences and academic projects in a formal way? Click on the button below to download my resume

Download my Resume

Now that you know a little bit about me and know about my work, how about knowing my professional experiences and academic projects in a formal way? Click on the button to download my resume.


Let 's talk?

Do you want to talk about my professional experiences or get to know me better? Just follow me on my social medias.

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